What are digital capabilities and why are they important? Technology is entering nearly all aspects of our life, this video helps to explain why it is import...
에디터 노트
Digital Capability for Oraganization에는 1. ICT Infrastructure 2. Content and Information 3. Research and Innovation 4. Learning, Teaching and Assessment 5. Communication 6. Oragnisational Digital Culture 가 핵심 액티비티입니다.
우리 조직이 에듀테크를 활용한 디지털 전환을 성공하기 위해, 위의 핵심속성을 얼마나 갖추었는지 자문해볼 필요가 있습니다.
링크에서 상세한 내용을 확인해보세요 https://www.digitalcapability.jisc.ac.uk/what-is-digital-capability/